2.4 Suno - Anuj Agarwal [Entrepreneur-Social Worker] - Part I
Anuj's act of saving more than 25,000 liters of water every day in Kolkata caught my attention back in 2020 on LinkedIn. He is an entrepreneur and when we had this conversation in 2020, he was working on a news media aggregation and curation idea called Extra Insights. I learned a lot about citizen-led social initiatives and the business of news from Anuj during our conversation, and I am sure you are going to love this Part I.
The show was hosted by me, Parth Chauhan, and I can be contacted on Instagram - instagram.com/par.cha or you can send me voice notes on Facebook - facebook.com/chauhan.parth. If you are an entrepreneur, artist, musician, self-employed individual, or social worker, you are most welcome to share your experiences and ideas on Dhvani Podcast. In this season we are also offering free advertisement for your enterprise, art, and ideas. Email to info@dhvani.co.in, log on to www.dhvani.co.in/podcast for more information, or just google 'Dhvani Podcast'.
Anuj's LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/anujbht
Tap-a-Tap Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/tapatapindia
Tap-a-Tap main post on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/posts/anujbht_kolkata-waterconservation-savewatersavelife-activity-6707218011293528064-dLq1?utm_source=linkedin_share&utm_medium=android_app
Anuj's Blog on Medium: https://link.medium.com/CWCTdhpQbpb
Dhvani's Server on Discord - https://discord.gg/74AZRaB
You can support my work by 'buying me a coffee' - www.buymeacoffee.com/parthchauhan